Welcome to the website of my kennel Wink Tank! I am Oona and my aim is to breed healthy, well balanced Australian Terriers that have confident and outgoing temperament and who are joy to watch at dog shows and to live with. Wink Tank Australian terriers is located in Helsinki in southern Finland.
My prefix Wink Tank is a word play that combines ‘think tank’- my passion for continuous development and creating new and ‘wink’ – the never boring Australian terrier. I got my prefix in 2017 and the first Wink Tanker was born in 2018.
I have had Australian terriers from young age and I can’t see my life without them. I have committed to responsible canine breeding and I have signed the Finnish Kennel Club’s Breeder’s Commitment Declaration and committed to complying with the principles of responsible dog breeding defined in it.
Nothing would be possible without the support from my family and friends. Thank you to my family, my mentors, puppy buyers and friends for your support.
To contact me please find the contact information below. Enjoy browsing on my website!